Thursday 18 October 2012

Ce n'est pas normale

The phrase used as a title is what people have been saying to me in various tongues everywhere I have been travelling in recent years and they are talking about the weather.  We are well aware of the horrendous spring and summer in the UK but what about elsewhere?

Floods in North Norfolk UK

When in Alberta, Canada in June/July we experienced several consecutive days of 30 degrees.  Very unusual said the local news.  Alberta only reached 30 degrees twice in 2011 and then in August.  In Brazil consecutive days of 45 degrees were described by locals as much hotter for the time of year.  Friends from Alaska describe recent unseasonal flooding which threatened their home.  Tonight I heard the President of Greenland describing enormous changes in his country's climate and said nobody could deny accelerating climate change was here to stay.

Almost snowless Rocky Mountains in summer 2012

Here in the south of France we have enjoyed very warm sunny weather throughout the autumn. Ce n'est pas normale has been heard often. Even two days ago myriads of butterflies were still on the wing.  Plenty of Great Banded Graylings, Clouded Yellows and Painted Ladies.

Painted Lady

This all changed today.  We awoke to low, dark cloud and persistent rain.  Although mild (20 degrees) it has been so dark that our sensor security lights have never gone off.  What is more  we are forecast this weather until Sunday.  Ce n'est pas normale.

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